
Research, and Education Program Grant

This grant will apply research, and development of educational programs. Recipients can only be awarded one grant each year. The grant amount will be at the sole discretion of the Board of Trustees. CAC-BEF shall be entitled to publish the results of all research programs for which it issues a grant, and shall be given full rights to any education programs for which it awards a grant.

Objective Criteria

•     Applicant must be an individual or entity with its primary business related to 
      building envelope science.

•     An explanation of the proposed research or educational program shall be 
      provided to the Board of Trustees.

      o    If applying for a grant for research program, indicate the exact nature, time
            frame for completion, individuals and entities involved with, and anticipated
            outcome of the research program. Explain how the outcome can benefit the
            building envelope industry.

      o    If an educational program, indicate the title, intended audience,
            learning objectives, and outline of the program. Indicate how, where and
            when the program will be delivered. Indicate how proceeds from the
  program will be distributed.
•     Applicant must be minimum 22 years old at the time of application, or
      an organization duly registered in the United States of America.

•     Must be sponsored by a minimum of two RCI members. RCI member sponsors
      cannot be from the same employer as the Applicant. Sponsor must fill
      out sponsorship form.

Subjective Criteria

•     Length of time the applicant has stayed committed to the industry.
•     Prior experience with development of education programs or research,
whichever is applicable.

•     Applicant's involvement in IIBEC, Inc. and IIBEC-Chicago. 

Completed application forms and sponsorship forms should be submitted no sooner than February 1st and no later than May 1st of each year. Up to twenty applications will be reviewed based on first-received basis. Applications must be sent to: CAC Building Envelope Foundation, NFP, 309 East Rand Road, Suite 342, Arlington Heights, Illinois 60004, or e-mailed to

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